have just completed large toast image
of a bottle of beer, my beer in fact. Done in cocktail
toast and slices of normal toast, it measures three
metres high. The work was primary to promote Bennetts
Wellington Lager, at the annual beer competition BrewNZ.
Visit BennettBeer.co.nz
for more about BennettsBeer.
most interesting aspect is that used a printing company,
Mesh Digital of Wellington, to print the image of the
label onto the slices of toast. This is the first time
that this has been done. I now see a number of possible
where I can use this process in the future to create
further Toast Art.

most famous New Zealander at the moment is
Peter Jackson, the film director of
The Lord of The Rings. I am working
on a Toast Portrait the
work measures 2.4m x 2.4m and use almost 4000 slices
of cocktail toast.This work was completed in 2004.
of CrownLynn
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